Our Services

How can we help your company

We created a 3 step methodology to assist you on your transformation path

1. Define the transformation strategy

Digital Transformation consulting Services

What is Digital transformation? 

There are many definitions, they could be very simple or very complicated. For us a simple definition for Digital transformation is:

The use of digital products and technology to continuously improve your operational processes, business models and customer experience.

To offer this service to our clients, we established a business  estrategy  partnership with Vortex (vortexestrategia.com)  Vortex offer consulting on sales digital strategy, ecommerce, leads generation, social media, CRM process and the integration with the internal production process.

If you want to know more about our digtital transformation consulting services, please visit Vortex website at www.vortexestrategia.com

2.By providing transformation services

Software development services

What is Digital transformation? 

There are many definitions, they could be very simple or very complicated. For us a simple definition for Digital transformation is:

The use of digital products and technology to continuously improve your operational processes, business models and customer experience.

To offer this service to our clients, we established a business  estrategy  partnership with Vortex (vortexestrategia.com)  Vortex offer consulting on sales digital strategy, ecommerce, leads generation, social media, CRM process and the integration with the internal production process.

If you want to know more about our digtital transformation consulting services, please visit Vortex website at www.vortexestrategia.com

3.By providing transformation products

MAPPS Manufacturing and Production Platform Service

Manufacturing and Production Platform Service (MAPPS). This is our pre-built and customizable solution for manufacturing control.

We can adapt MAPPS to your company’s manufacturing process and add or remove functions according to what is needed and provide more value to your manufacturing and business process. We implement MAPPS in a continuous deployment model so your company can have benefits in a short period of time.